Wholesale Investors
Do you qualify as a ‘wholesale’ investor?
You have a minimum $500,000 to invest.
You are required to provide a Qualified Accountant’s Certificate which certifies that you have;
- net assets of at least $2.5 million; or
- gross income for each of the last 2 financial years of at least $250,000 a year,
The Investor is a company, smsf or trust controlled by persons who meet one or both of the criteria in point 1 above, i.e. the person has a Qualified Accountant’s Certificate.
You are a “professional investor”.
This means that you meet one of the following categories and are:
- An Australian Financial Services licensee
- A person who has or controls gross assets of at least $10 million (including assets held by an associate or under a trust that the person manages).
- A body regulated by APRA (other than a trustee of a superannuation fund, an approved deposit fund, a pooled Superannuation fund or a public sector superannuation scheme). This category generally includes banks, credit unions, general insurance companies, life insurance companies and friendly societies.
- A body registered under the Financial Corporations Act 1974.
- A listed entity or a related body corporate of a listed entity.
- An exempt public authority.

Get in touch with our team for more information now.
To engage in the services provided by Apollo Investment you need to provide accountant documentation confirming you qualify as a wholesale, sophisticated or professional investor.